Definition of Screen saver

1. Noun. (computer science) a moving design that appears on a computer screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time. "Screen savers prevent the damage that occurs when the same areas of light and dark are displayed too long"

Generic synonyms: Design, Figure, Pattern
Category relationships: Computer Science, Computing

Definition of Screen saver

1. Noun. (alternative spelling of screensaver) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Screen Saver

screen actor
screen background
screen capture
screen captures
screen defense
screen door
screen font
screen memory
screen motion capture
screen name
screen off
screen out
screen printing
screen reader
screen saver
screen savers
screen test
screen time
screen wall
screen walls

Literary usage of Screen saver

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Developer's Workshopby John Clark Craig, Jeff Webb by John Clark Craig, Jeff Webb (1998)
"for an example of a more complete screen saver application Dear John, How Do I... Prevent Two Instances of a screen saver from Running at the Same Time? ..."

2. "The Words Came Down!": English Language Learners Read, Write, and Talk Emelie Lowrey Parker, Tess Haysham Pardini by Emelie Lowrey Parker, Tess Haysham Pardini (2006)
"To keep the learning alive, we put pictures of the activities on the screen-saver slide show. The children love to gather around the computer and chat as ..."

3. The Cell Phone: An Anthropology of Communicationby Heather A. Horst, Daniel Miller by Heather A. Horst, Daniel Miller (2006)
"Phones can be secured on a string that says 'IV Jesus' or marked by a Christian screen saver such as a cross or a Bible verse. ..."

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